Forum: Race Officers

Scoring Penalty using High Point Scoring for a Series Longer than a Regatta

Arthur Kelley
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
For a casual “beer can” style race series with no RC present, we are using the High Point Percentage scoring system descried here:  This has worked well for a couple of seasons.  Now we are considering adding a Scoring Penalty option in line with RRS 44.3 (c).
“44.3 (c) The race score for a boat that takes a Scoring Penalty shall be the score she would have received without that penalty, made worse by the number of places stated in the sailing instructions. When the sailing instructions do not state the number of places, the penalty shall be 20% of the score for Did Not Finish, rounded to the nearest whole number (0.5 rounded upward). The scores of other boats shall not be changed; therefore, two boats may receive the same score. However, the penalty shall not cause the boat’s score to be worse than the score for Did Not Finish.”
Assuming we use the default 20% penalty, there has been a discussion about the calculation.  
Take the case of a 20 boat fleet and a 15th place boat taking a penalty.  The 1st place boat gets 20 points, and the 15th place boat would score 6 points.  Would a 20% penalty be:
  1, Taken the above literally, 20% of DNF where DNF = 1 so a 0.2 penalty rounding to 0 
  2. 20% of her 6 points (1.2 point penalty)
  3. 20% of the possible 20 points (4 point penalty)?  

In Low Point scoring, the 15th place boat would clearly receive a 4 boat penalty (20% of DNF) so to me, 20% of the total point value makes sense but I have been unable to find any reference and this has caused an undue amount of discussion.

We appreciate your input to clarify this,
Created: 20-Jun-23 19:14


Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
As a ref, you can look at Annapolis' Wed Night Race Series SI (which is typical on how they handle season-long events).  See SI's 12 and 15.

In the Magothy River (one river north along the Chesapeake from Annapolis) .. they are a self-run operation where each boat takes turns being RC 1x or 2x per season (I was RC Chair for several years .. several years ago).  Here are those SI's:

Looking at both of them you can get some ideas....

- Ang
Created: 20-Jun-23 19:24
Arthur Kelley
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
This is good Ang, and I particularly like AYC's scaled approach to the scoring penalties.  Unfortunately none of these are using High Point scoring, and our point of discussion is really more about calculating that 20% penalty.  I do like the "but not less than x places" concept, which should probably be coupled with "and not worse than DNF".

Created: 20-Jun-23 20:35
Aldo Balelli
44.3 C goes with low point system.
In your example: first arrived get 1 point;  2nd, 2  points, and so on,  20th 20 points, DNF 21 points
20% of 21 is 4,2 = rounded = 4 points

So if boat arrived 15 get the penalty, her score will be 15+4 = 19 points

Final scoring: 1, 2, 3, ...13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 20

If the penalized boat arrived 19: 19+4= 23, too much,  as DNF is 21, so 21 will be.

Created: 20-Jun-23 21:21
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Art, those were the type of tidbits I thought you might find I interesting. 
Created: 20-Jun-23 21:23
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