Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

APP B missing

Dusan Vanicky
Nationality: Slovakia
  • International Judge
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I miss APP B under the RRS. Is it on purpose, they are left out? 
Created: 21-Feb-03 16:03


Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Dusan .. if you mean on the website...  yea .. that's a decision that Paul made not to include it which goes way back.

If enough people want to see it up, we can work on that.

Created: 21-Feb-03 16:07
Dusan Vanicky
Nationality: Slovakia
  • International Judge
  • National Umpire
  • National Race Officer
I cannot talk in the names of other people, it is just my view: 
It seems to be the same kind of „faux pas“,  as when the RYA version of RRS 17 – 20 printout, for whatever reason,  missed APP T. 
I kept in my mind and shared it broadly, that was the most comprehensive and up to date place, including not only internal links, links to Cases, Calls, Q&As, but also (as the only available one) to” Judges manual” and to “Regulations”. 
I know that convenient links are for patrons, but for occasional non-patrons, they worked as “reminders”, which are also very useful and I could use it e.g. as teaching material for kids at a couple of Euros and Worlds of – the youth Olympic windsurfing class, where I used to judge. 
I can understand that some people have reservations about windsurfing as a part of sailing, or about the APP B version of the rules, but seemed to me to be pretty much above those „problems“.  
Best regards, 
Created: 21-Feb-03 17:14
Uros Zvan
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer
I have to support Dusan. Windsurfing is Olympic discipline while radio sailing, team & match racing are not. Would be nice to include app B into
Created: 21-Feb-03 17:26
Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
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Generally App B was left out of as its complexity and structure didn't lend itself to the technology.  If there is anyone who would like to add and maintain App B on, I'm happy to give the application permissions for that.
Created: 21-Feb-03 17:45
Luis Faria
Nationality: Portugal
  • International Judge
Windsurfing Competition Rules (WCR), published by World Sailing, are very useful,as they have Appendix B amendments already included in the body of the book. It is much easier to use that than having to go back and forth to see if a rule has been changed. However, the 2021-2024 edition has not yet been published, so what is on the WS website is not usable.
Created: 21-Feb-03 18:14
Tim OConnell
Nationality: Canada
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Luis Faria, the WS Rules app on IOS has the current updates from WS.
Created: 21-Feb-03 20:52
Luis Faria
Nationality: Portugal
  • International Judge
The "normal" racing rules yes, I did not question that. What I said was that the Windsurfing Competition Rules document(which is not on the app), has not yet been updated
Created: 21-Feb-03 22:03
Tim OConnell
Nationality: Canada
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Luis you said "However, the 2021-2024 edition has not yet been published, so what is on the WS website is not usable." As I said, they have been published by WS. I just looked at Appendix B
Created: 21-Feb-03 22:10
Luis Faria
Nationality: Portugal
  • International Judge
Tim, I was talking about the 2021-2024 edition, but of the Windsurf Competition Rules (this is the name normally given in the windsurfing community to the Racing Rules of Sailing Windsurfing Edition. What you find in the WS website is
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Created: 21-Feb-03 22:42
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Paul got me started on Appx B.  Like he mentioned above, it doesn't quite "fit" into the structure that is used for MR, TR, etc.

I'll work on it as I can and do my best to incorporate the text of Appx B.  That said, it will not act like the MR/TR pull-downs, where you get the rules fully incorporated in context, but rater it will closely resemble Appx B as it appears in the RRS.
Created: 21-Feb-04 16:43
Dusan Vanicky
Nationality: Slovakia
  • International Judge
  • National Umpire
  • National Race Officer
I understand the complications with the incorporation of APP B and its comfortable usage. 
Plain resembling is better than nothing, but....
The quintessence of e-rules starts, when one does not have to depuzzle the final meaning by grabbing the snippet of an idea in APP and laboriously combine it with the original wording.
The RYA/WS RSS integrated ebook application worked on the problem - it is possible to view the incorporated final version and, if required, also include the original wording. This combined view often helps to recognize the difference.
(Try to get the RRS 18 for windsurfing and understand e.g. which case does not apply for it and filter the possible scenarios - and get some rules of thumb from it :-))  
Nowadays RYA/WS app is not available for PCs and has some app. limitations, but offers better solution as the above mentioned WS windsurfing edition book. 
(The book newer included the rules changes after 2017, and problably had some other marginal differences from  APPB + standard rules. 
Note, that WS simplified a bit the situation by incorporating  only the fleet racing windsurfing rules in the WS RRS 21_24 book.
Created: 21-Feb-05 10:44
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