My question is: if a boat is fouled just outside the zone at the finish mark and "protest" is hailed while in the zone during finishing under spinnaker, what is the interpretation of RRS 61.1 regarding displaying a red flag and "she shall display the flag until she is no longer racing."? Does she display it then can she take it down immediately because she has finished racing? Does the "conspicuously" require more time than until she is no longer racing? I can't find any cases or appeals for protests at the finish line.
Remember a boat that has finished is not necessarily finished racing. If it’s a busy DW finish in the zone, a boat isn’t finished racing until they are clear of the line and the marks. After they are clear of both, if they are flying the spinnaker, it would be prudent to have the flag be the last item put away, after the spinnaker is doused.
There was. 2018 Q&A regarding the hail which states that the purpose of 61.1 (which includes both hail and flag) is to communicate intention to protest. Though the Q&A subject was the hail, 61.1 in total was addressed.
If the incident is in the racing area, she shall hail and fly the flag until she is finished racing ... but how can she finish racing if she never started racing? ;-)
We (the jury) disagreed and the protest was declared invalid. Our decision was subsequently upheld on appeal.
The flag is a key component of the "Informing the Protestee" requirements in 61.1(a). Even when the boat is beyond hailing distance, the flag requirement is not waived (61.1(a)(1).
RYA Case 1982/7 states, "A signal comprises both a flag (or object of similar appearance) and a sound signal . . .. Unless the sailing instructions state otherwise, sound signals without visual signals have no particular significance under the rules." While this specifically applies to race signals, an argument could be made that it applies to the Informing the Protestee signal as well.
Rule 61 (and thus 61.1) is not restricted from change by rule 86, therefore the NOR/SI could set a different standard for rule 61 'Protest Requirements', including rule 61.1 'Informing the Protestee'.
Is this included only to legitimize the excepted occurrence of contact resulting in injury or serious damage?
Regarding the flag question, 61.1 is in Part 5. Thus the display requirement is not governed by Part 2 preamble. It is terminated upon finishing, not into the "have been racing" period.
Thus Con's original question remains unanswered other than by "good practice" advice.