Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Basic Principles.

Francisco Vidal
Nationality: Spain
  • International Judge
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May a SI or MNA's prescription modify a Basic principle if it states that: "This modifies the preamble of basic principles"? 

The new rulebook makes it clear that the basic principles are not rules (see definition Rule), but it is unclear whether the preamble of that section is. In any case, it seems that it doesn't matter too much, since if it is not a Rule or racing rule, it does not have the power to enforce anything and can be modified or deleted, and if it is, since it is not listed in RRS 86.1, the prescriptions of any NMA or the Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions may modify it.

Is there something I'm missing, or is this a new loophole?
Created: Wed 16:41


Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Francisco, I think the RRS is OK .. and there is not a loophole.

Each specific entry of RRS 86.1 is stated in a sentence where the "object" of the sentence "a racing rule".  Therefore 86.1 only applies to "racing rules" which by Introduction:Terminology is "A rule in the RRS".

The Basic Principles are not rules and therefore the preamble is also not a rule.  The preamble states that BP's shall not be changed.

I think that closes the loop.

Created: Wed 16:51
Bill Stump
Nationality: United States
  • National Race Officer
  • Why do you want to ‘modify’ it?  
Created: Wed 17:04
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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Please click here and find Submission E05-24.

This should answer your question.

Link to Rule Study Materials (which explain the rule reasons for rule changes).

Created: Wed 22:37
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Ben, I think I see the question Francisco is raising. It's an interesting one. 

Francisco's "loophole" concerns whether or not Basic Principle's preamble is protected from change, as that is the only thing protecting the BP's themselves. 

RRS 86.1 does [not] protect preambles from change, and therefore BP's preamble is open to change and thus the BP's are as well. 

Since BP's are no longer rules, what rule does changing them or their preamble break?

And this all begs the question to what level of Limbo does this relegate the BP's in the RRS? 

Seems at best, it's one reliable source of what "Sportmanship" means i.e. ... "... in the sense ordinarily understood in nautical or general use."

PS:  Instead of removing BP from 86.1, they could have moved it in front of "racing rules" in the sentence.   

Below is basically taking the preamble to Basic Principles and putting it at the front of 86.1, which allows the logic of 86.1 to still work.


86.1 [The Basic Principles shall not be changed.] A racing rule shall not be changed unless permitted in the rule itself or as follows:

Or since titles to rules are not rules, having BP in there isn't a problem without changing the title. 
Created: Thu 11:37
John Allan
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge

85.2 A change to one of the following types of rules may be made only as shown below.
(a) Prescriptions of a national authority may change a racing rule, ...
(b) The notice of race or sailing instructions may change a racing rule...,

So nothing in the RRS either:
  • Authorises a MNA, or NOR  or SI to change something that is not a rule, or
  • Prohibits a MNA, or NOR  or SI from changing something that is not a rule.

The Basic Principles are not a rule so, according to the RRS, changing them is neither authorised nor forbidden.

We now come down to a purely semantic or philosophical argument whether something that is 'basic' and a 'principle can be changed.

Presumably the only reason why you would want to change the preamble is so you can change the Basic Principles 

But as Bill Stump said Why do you want to ‘modify’ it?
Created: Thu 14:13
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
John & Bill .. "why would you want to 'modify' it?"

That's a bit beside the point that Francisco raises as he does not offer a need or reason to do so, just that it seems open to it.  It's a worthy topic on its own.

OK .. here's a hypothetical .. (I am not advocating this at all .. but you asked for an example).

How many of us have talked with sailors who talk about "being Corinthian"?  In my experience, most use that term to convey the idea of being sportsmanlike.  

I can't tell you how many times I've heard sailors say, "I didn't protest because I wanted to be Corinthian" .. or "He protested me on that when we should have just settled it at the bar" (with the idea that that protesting over small fouls is "un-Corinthian").

There is a significant portion of club-level sailors who do not accept that it is a basic principle of racing sailboats that they should enforce the rules .. or be protested or expected to protest others on the "small stuff".

So, a bunch of these folk get together and decide that the BP "Sportsmanship and the Rules" does not actually represent how they feel about the sport.  In their mind, "needing to follow and enforce the rules" is not "Corinthian" and they want to set lower expectations and they figure out some other way to express it that suits them better.
Created: Thu 14:40
Tj Shea
  • Club Judge
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  • Regional Race Officer
Between the "Basic Principles" and "Sportsmanship and the Rules" is "The Basic Principles shall not be changed."

Pretty clear and no loopholes.
Created: Thu 17:39
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
TJ .. you are ignoring Francisco's point (that I echoed) that there is nothing in the RRS restricting a change to that BP preamble statement.  To "protect" that statement, it needs to be part of a rule.

Putting it into RRS 86.1 (as shown below) would sew it up  .. (additions shown in brackets [ ] )


86.1 [The Basic Principles shall not be changed.] A racing rule shall not be changed unless permitted in the rule itself or as follows: ...
Created: Thu 18:32
Stavros Kouris
  • International Judge
  • National Umpire
The definition rule (a) states very clearly that preambles are rules.
 I think that the preamble of the Basic Principles is a rule while the basic principles themselves are not.

Furthermore, rule 86.1 makes it very clear that a racing rule shall not be changed unless permitted in the rule itself. And the preamble does not permit such a change, so the preamble to the Basic Principles shall not be changed and therefore the Basic Principles shall not be changed.
Created: Thu 20:14
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Stavros .. I think one can make the argument that the preamble to Basic Principles is a rule, but the BP's themselves are not.   But to say it is "very clear" is a bit of a stretch IMO.  Any person seeing the statement in def: rules (a) "but not the Basic Principles .. " could easily conclude that everything under the heading Basic Principles is not a rule.

IMO, the BP's preamble statement is misplaced.  As shown above, it would be clearer if simply moved into 86.1.  
Created: Thu 20:30
John Allan
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge
Ang, I'm with Stavros

Rule ... (a) The rules in this book, including .., preambles 

I think that is very clear.
Created: Thu 23:12
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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Created: Fri 05:15
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
John ... not as clear as below.  Since the BP's are now clearly separated as something distinct from the racing rules, I think framing as I do below adds a clarifying organizational perspective. JMHO. 


86.1 [The Basic Principles shall not be changed.] A racing rule shall not be changed unless permitted in the rule itself or as follows: ...
Created: Fri 13:19
John Allan
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge
Ben, Battle of the Venn Diagrams

image.png 28.9 KB
Created: Fri 14:53
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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  • Judge In Training

It's another matter of interpretation to me.

If it fits the intention, then why not?
Venn2.png 112 KB

Well, I may be wrong, but this interpretation fits the underlying intention that BPs shall not be changed.  The basic principals includes everything under the title with that name. 

Rule 86.1 does not apply to any of the right hand set. 
Created: Fri 15:23
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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  • Judge In Training
Just to continue on the question of 'Why would anyone want to change the basic principals?'...

I think it makes total sense that the Basic Principals cannot be changed.

All too often, I hear people saying, "Oh.. they're kids.  The rules don't matter so much." Or, "It's green fleet.  Let's let them off."  Even (noting Ang's disclaimer) in the adult world, some people suggest that the basic principals need adjusting to make the game more fun.

While I agree and encourage modification of the rules to be appropriate to the competitors**, experience and rewards, the basic principals are the foundations of the sport - the glue which holds the sport together.

In sailing they are simple.  Be fair and accept and follow the rules, don't condone breaches of the rules.  Oh, and don't impact the environment.

They should not change, no matter what the level of game being played.

Note, this is different to modifications made to the equipment, or dispute system based on age/experience or even including say, dock-side court for a bunch who'd prefer to be in the bar rather than the protest room at the end of racing.

The laws of Rugby include 'The Playing Charter'.  Similar to the RRS Basic Principals, the Rugby Playing Charter are a set of fundamental values which glue the sport of rugby together and apply at all levels and to all versions of the game.  While the sailing Basic Principals are simple and to the point, the rugby Playing Charter includes quite a good explanation of their Basic Principals, much of which is applicable to the sport of sailing Basic Principals.

(**Lastly, a thread hijack:  Just for the record, I believe that Sailing is quite far behind in modifications for age/maturity/experience.  It's a pet project of mine; to work towards an officially recognised 'mini' game, similar to what many other sports have.)

Officially recognised mini-versions of sports.

Soccer (Football) - Futsal
Basketball - Mini Basketball
Tennis - Mini Tennis
Rugby - Mini Rugby / Tag Rugby
Volleyball - Mini Volleyball
Cricket - Kwik Cricket
Golf - First Tee Golf
Ice Hockey - Cross-Ice Hockey
American Football - Flag Football
Lacrosse - Soft Lacrosse
Table Tennis - Mini Ping Pong
Swimming (Water Polo) - Mini Water Polo
Badminton - Mini Badminton
Archery - Soft Archery
Track and Field - Kids' Athletics
Wrestling - Youth Wrestling
Baseball/Softball - Tee Ball

(Speaking of Rugby, will Ireland beat France tonight?)

Created: Yesterday 01:36
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
"Clarity is inversely proportional to the number of competing Venn diagrams used to explain it" - Angelo G


Ben, in the mini's, do some of these include modifications to their BP's which introduce or emphasize aspects appropriate for youngsters?
Created: Yesterday 13:52
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
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  • Judge In Training
Fair enough. The Venn diagram simply says in my opinion how the Preamble is part of the basic principals, and so is included in the exception. 

I think the mini games do not generally adjust the BPs of the game.  That's the point. 
Created: Yesterday 15:06
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